
Friday, January 16, 2015

"Come back to me."

This unit in the Ollywood class called “Post-Production.” We learned about the main elements of film production: lighting, camera angles, and acting, we also learned how to put a film together, and what its like to edit a film also. We had a guest speaker come in and talk to us about this process, he works in the film industry, and he really went into detail on what it’s all about. For this last AP we had to pick a movie and analyze it and also make a podcast, so we can expresses what we thought about it. The movie that I choice was “Atonement.” I picked this movie because it really caught my eye, and I love movies that are based in the 1930’s, I also thought it was be interesting to critique a movie like Atonement.

I learned so much throughout this course, and since I took this class every time I watch a movie, I always pay attention to the angles, and the special effects. I think its so cool that I know all of this information about movies, and I know the true meaning of what its like to make them. What I enjoy most about this project and course was all the movie I got to watch, new ones and old ones. What I thought was challenging was trying to remember all the names to specific names of editing, and angles. Overall this course was amazing, and I would love to take it again.

                                                                 Created by JV, 2015*

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

My Service Project.

Five Faces is a course that teaches my classmates and I about the different variations of Five Faces of Genesis. The course explores the beauty and challenges of life through the examination of personal creativity and how it can impact my life and communities. In the last unit called Bring it all Together, we learned about how community service can be so important and can make a huge impacted in our lives and many others. We had to use all the skills and tools that we have developed throughout this course to apply to a real world situation. Not only did we use all the skills, we also came up with really unique community service ideas. What I had trouble with during this AP was finding time to actually do my community service. Since I work over the weekends it was really hard because that was the only time that I could have completed it. What I enjoyed the most was actually doing my part in servicing, I love helping other people, I felt very proud of myself serving.

  My community service idea was to help out my local Austin-Irving Branch Public Library. I have been going there since I was little and I loved going so now that I have went back and did community service there, I felt very proud of my self. I also felt very comfortable and I love what I did. I had thoughts on what I was going to do, like organizing and labeling books. But when I come in Andrew, who was my supervisor said I would be doing more than that. That would be my Seer part of my project because I pictured what I could be doing. My service hours were 9:00-1:00pm which is a total of 5 hours. I used my observer skills when I entered the building, it smelled and looked the exact same since the last time I had been there. The library was completely empty and Andrew walked me over to a cleaning closet with all the supplies that I would need. He explained to me that I would be cleaning children’s toys, which would benefit over 100 children. I think that was so amazing because I would stop the prevention of sickness spreading throughout the library, and many children would avoid getting sick. I think that it was cool that I clean the toys because many people don’t think a child can get sick off a toy item, and that can be one main reason why many children become sick. The three things that I combined throughout my service was to be productive, staying on task, planning, I think planning was the main part of my whole project, and enjoying what I was doing. To me I think I did such a good job because I helped out my whole community. I also kept a positive energy throughout the whole experience. All the staff members said I looked like I was enjoying what I was doing, they said I had such a big smile on my face and that I made everyone’s day I was being an Alchemist/Fool. I think that is so important because people that you worked with will remember what good volunteer you were. Overall I had an amazing experience, and I would definitely keep completing my service hours at the Austin-Irving Branch Library!

I used my Seer techniques to vision how my community service project will have turned out. 
Here is a picture of what I thought I would be doing at the library. 

Created by JV 2015*