
Friday, February 13, 2015

No more Caffeine!

My Steam course is called Disease, and focus on how the body works and how it also creates diseases and sickness in your body. In the first unit called Body, we learned about cancer, how how different diseases can manifest themselves in your body. For our first action project we were asked to pick a disease, create a patient profile for the person that we chose to interview. I picked STV which a heart disease, the reasoning I picked this disease was because my mom has it. I didn't know a lot about it, and it was really easy for me to interview her. What I enjoyed the most about this action project was drawing the profile to show the disease and were it affects the body. 

Created by JV 2015*
Lucy was at work when she felt tightness in her chest and pain on her left shoulder, she started getting really hot and started sweating. She felt like she was going to faint than all of a sudden her heart started beating so fast and felt little shocks were hitting her heart. She sat down by the nurses station, they took her blood pressure and it was really high. Her boss then took her to the hospital. The doctors didn't really know what was wrong with Lucy, they ran tests and said she just had a mini heart attack. She was than released from the hospital, but when she got home she drank a cup of coffee and ate a piece of dark chocolate, and just in a few minutes she had another attack but this time it was even worse than the first. She went back to the hospital and was diagnosed with SVT. She knew that this heart diseased was passed down in her family but didn't know she had it. She never felt symptoms until she had her first attack. She grew up her whole life not knowing she had this disease, so why would it show up now? Lucy was under a lot of stress, she works in a nursing home with 12 hour a shift. That can put a lot of stress on your body, she also consumed lots of caffeine she drank 8 cups of coffee a day. That is a lot of caffeine that the body can't handle especially the heart. This disease also makes your blood really thick, since the heart has an irregular heart beat, there is a lot of blood being pump into the body. To thin Lucy's blood she has to take aspirin, and Cartia to slow her heart rate. After being diagnosed with SVT Lucy had to change her diet, she could no longer consume anything that has caffeine in it. Lucy started having the more attacks, her heart rate would go up to 230 beats a minute. "Having attacks feels horrible, you don't know when it can happen."

 Supraventricular tachycardia was passed down genetically from Lucy's father side of the family. This can be a risk because Lucy's children can carry down the disease and pass it down. The disease mostly occurs in Women, and Lucy has 3 daughters. When Lucy is having an attack she experiences electrical impulses starting from the Sino-atrial node. Than travels to the Atrio ventricular node causing shock waves to the heart. SVT  can happen all over the world because its genetically passed down.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Questioning Love?

My humanities course is called Forbidden Books, and focuses on why books have been banned over the course of history. In the first unit called Politics, we learned about why books have been forbidden for political reasons. We used “The Apology” which was written by Plato to dive deeper about this topic. For our first action project we used the Socratic Method, which is asking a series of questions and creating a discussion between two individuals.The topic that I chose was love, I picked this topic because I always question it. I wanted to do some research and see what other people thought about love. And I wanted to raise some questions. What I learned by using the Socratic Dialogue was you can be open, and ask any question that you have on your mind. The Socratic Method can be considered dangerous because you are asking questions that maybe people don’t want to answer because they see it as a threat, or want to hide the true answer. Overall I really enjoyed this unit, I learned a lot and I hope you enjoy my video!


Jpolis (Character 1, played by JV)

Jellis (Character 2, played by NC)

Filmed 2/10/15 in Skylight

Props: Chicako sign


Character #1: Oh, Jpolis I have fallen in love and I couldn't be happier!

Character #2: Well you are glowing so tell me about your love.

Character #1: I feel amazing, I’m up in the clouds. My head is all fuzzy my ,feelings are out of control, love has got me looking crazy. It's overt love.

Character #2: Everyone knows that love can be an amazing feeling. But what is it, can it be more than just a feeling?

Character # 1 Love can be a feeling that you feel towards anything, not just a certain feeling that you have for a person. It can be love for your parents, family members, friends, and pets. It can even be a item, a necklace that someone gave you can have meaning to it, and you love it.

Character #2: I never thought love could be like that. Does a necklace make your head fuzzy and make your feelings out of control? Is that how you define love?

Character #1: Yes a necklace could do that, but also many other items. The item can have a background story that can be caused by the person that gave you the necklace.

People may have different definitions on what love is due to the people they grew up with, but in the end , love has the same effect on everyone. Parents can demonstrate what love is by being caring and understanding towards you. They will tell you they love you and that will show unconditional love. But other people can show different versions of it.

Character #2: And what are those versions?

Character #1: Well like I said before, unconditional love is when you love a person no matter what. The opposite of that is conditional love, which means living up to one's expectations and pleasing them, then they will show you love. But if you don’t do that the love will fade away, then you know they are just using you, and don’t feel love towards you. 

Character #2: I never thought love could be like that. But how can these two types of love play a role in your teenage and adult life?

Character #1: Well if you were given unconditional love then you learned how to accept yourself for who you are and are happy just being you. You will also have high levels of confidence and self-esteem. With conditional love, which is common, you will find yourself having lower self-esteem, jealousy in relationships, suspicion, and insecurity.

Character #2: So what kind of love do you give?

Character #1: I think a little of both, it’s important to show both sides because you can develop a deeper relationship. That will also show the person you truly love them. 

Character # 2: I learned so much. Thank you, for your insight on love Jellis.