
Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Mi Cuento

The last project in my Spanish class I had to create my own story, using the vocabulary that I learned throughout the year. Taking Spanish for a year really taught me a lot, I'm more confident speaking Spanish, and I know how to write in Spanish more. I enjoyed taking this class! And I can't wait to see how much more Spanish I learn in college. 

"El Cuento." SlideShare 2013. 

Hay una chica, se llama Ina. Ina es muy bonita y muy talentosa con maquillaje. Ella va a Sephora. En Sephora Ina ve a una amiga Sophia. Ina está feliz porque Sophia es muy talentosa con maquillaje también. Dos chicas compra maquillaje. Dos chicas camina la casa de Ina. Es muy caliente porque es verano. Sophia no está feliz, está enojado. Ina le dice a Sophia “¿quieres un sandía?” Sophia dice “¡Sí!” Sophia y Ina va a Tony’s, en Tony’s Sophia ve a un amigo Adam. Sophia le dice “¡Hola Adam!” Adam le dice “¡Hola Sophia!” Adam trabaja en Tony’s. Sophia le dice “¿Adam dónde está sandia?” Adam le dice “¡ahí¡” Sophia y Ina compra una sandía. El Fin.

Be Your Own Boss

The last unit in Endurance was called Apotheosis. In this unit we investigated the endurance of survivors. I learned so much about myself in this unit, I learned how mentally strong I am and how much I can physically, emotionally, and mentally endure. This class by far was my favorite this whole year because it thought me so many things. For the last Action Project the purpose was to create a survival manual to help me survive the accomplishment of my mission and dreams. Down below is my project I hope you enjoy.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Workout Madness

The second unit in Endurance was called Katabasis, in this unit I learned about different journeys of endurers. I learned about David Blaine and how is a magician, illusionst, and endurance artist. I used his plans as inspiration to frame my fitness strategy and take a first step into pursuing it. If Endurance follows the path of the hero, "Katabasis" represents the diving: the planning and the first "taste" of living the dream. I love working out and seeing how my body can change from eating healthy and being fit. The action project was a 12 hour video vlog that showed me throughout my journey. I chose to do a workout challenge. For one week I worked out for 12 hours. It was mentally and physically challenging, but I pushed my self to do it. My video shows me working and also talking about the experience. My body is so sore from working out the whole week and doing it for so many hours. I didn't show my whole journey just parts of it. I enjoyed this challenge it was fun and I hope you guys enjoy my video.