The last unit in Light, Sound, and Time was called “Time.” In this unit we learned about sundials, trigonometry, and how pendulums can tell time. We also learned about geographic coordinates and how they structure time around the globe. The last Action Project for LST asked us to design our own prototype of a time-telling device. We had to show our model, prove the principles and explain how it works. What I struggled with was coming up with a time-telling device. What I enjoyed about this project was making the video. The Coffee clock does already exist I just tweaked it a little to make it better.
My time telling device dates back to 1787. The ancestor to my clock was found in Germany in the 15th century. But the first alarm clock that kicked it off was invented by Levi Hutchins, who live in New Hampshire. He made his alarm clock that only went off at 4 am to wake him up to go to work. That one alarm clock turned into millions around the world helping people with daily tasks. I was inspired to create an device that will help people get up in the morning, since I am one who struggles to get up each morning. The people who will use my device the most is works, students and coffee drinkers, because my unique time telling device not only wakes you up but brews your coffee too!
My device is a coffee clock, it uses sound when the alarm clock is going off. My device has a set time that makes coffee and also makes a beeping noise. My time telling device goes by every hour. I choose these units because I think it will be helpful to know what hour it is. It beeps every hour to let you know what time it is. You can also set it up to where it makes coffee at any hour you want, and gives the the option to add your favorite cream and sugar while it’s brewing.
My coffee clock is medium sized, it has a glass pot that carries the coffee, and it has multiple settings so that way you can add the time you want the alarm to go off. The Coffee Clock has buttons to add cream, and sugar. The shape is rectangle, the length of the Coffee Clock is 14 inches, and the height is 9 inches. To find the hypotenuse I used pythagorean theorem, which is 14^2+ 9^2=277, than I square rooted that number and got 16.6inches. 16.6inches is my hypotenuse.
From my research I found out that "many interesting alarm clocks have been made over the years." My device falls in that category because one side carries the the coffee and the other side is a manual clock that shows you the time. The coffee will instantly start brewing once the alarm goes off. When the alarm goes off it starting beeping, and won't shut off until you manually shut it off. The coffee will continue to brew. The purpose of my clock is to wake people up on time and give them a fresh cup of coffee.
My device is meaningful way to tell time because it wakes you up in the morning with a fresh cup of coffee, and an annoying beeping noise which you have to physically get up and turn off. Both of these factors can help you get out of bed and ready to start your day. It solves common problems like people waking up late, and running late for school, or work.
“Alarm Clock History.” Jeffery Wood, 2014. Web. 17 March, 2017.
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